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Your account

What's that thing?

Why create an account on M2D EODOM ?

It is a very easy way for you to:
• Leave us your address, so that we can safely deliver your audios and it is very useful on your next order as you have less information to transmit,
• Access your account history, to have a real-time access to check how your order is being processed.

We ask you no confidential information and, in particular, no credit card number will be stored on our server. Your payment is secured by our bank, one of most famous bank in France (CIC-Crédit Mutuel). No bank information or number are transmitted to us. Concerning all other information, everything is protected by the password you choose.

You already have an account on M2D EODOM :

Email :


forgot your password?

Company name:




Postal Code:



VAT intracom. number:

(required for EU countries except France)

Phone Number:


You would like to receive our newsletter by email or promotions made by MusicoTel.

Choose your password:


Please confirm your password:

Identification is complete:

 Do you really need a MusicoTel account 
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MusicoTel is a service of AtooMedia, the french sound and musical design communication agency.
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